I was looking for an apartment, and I stumbled upon Paige’s ad on craigslist. I called her and explained my time crunch situation with my lease ending in a few days, and she did everything in her power to get me moved in almost immediately. Hubb Realty is small so that I was able to get a lot of one on one time with Paige and she was able to pay attention to all my needs. I felt like a person, and not just a customer in my dealings with her. Oh, and everything is state-of-the-art, from the viewing process of the apartment, to rent payments. If you have internet, anything pertaining to her properties is easily accessible. If not, she is very personable and goes out of her way to meet your needs.
If you want to rent a property, you have no doubt found the experience to be a bit frustrating. With limited inventory, you usually will be competing with other applicants. It’s tough for renters competing in the rental market.